In Kyoto

Nijo-jo Castle | spring in 2025


Among the beautiful spots in Kyoto, Nijo Castle is particularly popular with tourist. Inside the castle, numerous trees are planted, which bloom with beautiful flowers in each season, delighting visitors. However, since the blooming period is short, it is necessary to gather information in advance and decide on the date and time of your visit. Here is that information.

Related post
Nijo-jo Castle | All Things You Should Know
Nijo-jo Castle | All Things You Should Know

Types of Cherry Blossoms

When it comes to typical flowers of spring, cherry blossoms are a prime example.At Nijo Castle, there are about 50 varieties, totaling approximately 300 cherry trees planted, with a particularly large number of late-blooming cherry trees.

The Somei Yoshino Cherry Tree, designated as the sample tree for Kyoto, began flowering on March 29, 2024, and reached full bloom five days later on April 3. In contrast, 2 years ago, the blossoming period was earlier, with full blossom declared on March 24. As the timing of cherry blossom can vary depending on annual climatic conditions, the Somei Yoshino in Kyoto City is predicted to reach full bloom around the end of March in 2025.

Gosho Mikuruma Gaeshi 

Cherry blossom Variety "Gosho Mikuruma Gaeshi" in Nijo-jo Castle
Cherry blossom Variety “Gosho Mikuruma Gaeshi” in Nijo-jo Castle

“Gosho Mikuruma Gaeshi” is a hybrid variety of late-blooming cherry blossoms with 5 to 7 petals.  The cherry blossom  variety ”Mikuruma Gaeshi “ is added the name of  “Gosho” because it was bred and improved at the Kyoto Imperial Palace “Gosho”. At Nijo Castle, these cherry trees can be found near the entrance of the Karagomon and at the entrance of the Ninomaru Garden.


Shirotae cherry blossom in Nijo-jo Castle
Cherry Blossom Variety “Shirotae” in Nijo-jo Castle

“Shirtae” is a variety of late-blooming cherry blossom that produces flowers with more than 15 petals. The buds are pail pink, but when they bloom, they produce large, beautiful white flowers. This variety was bred along the Arakawa embankment in Adachi Ward, Tokyo. It is located to the northeast of the Nijo-jo Castle area.


Cherry Blossom Variety "Shibayama" in Nijo-jo Castle
Cherry Blossom Variety “Shibayama” in Nijo-jo Castle

“Shibayama” is a variety of late-blooming cherry blossom that produces large, five-petaled white flowers.It produce leaves with the flowers at the same time. Shibazakura is planted in the same location as Shiromiyabi, on the north side of the Ninomaru Palace, between it and the Seiryu-en Garden.

Yaebeni Shidare

Cherry Blossom Variety “Yaebenishidare” in Nijo-jo Castle

“Yaebeni-Shidare” is a variety of weeping cherry blossom that produces more than 15 petals per flower. It is a late-blooming cherry blossom and has the feature of producing leaves around the time the flowers fall.


Somei-Yoshino in Nijo-jo castle
Somei-Yoshino in Nijo-jo castle

“Somei-Yoshino” is the most popular cherry blossom in Japan. It is widely planted along roads and rivers. Because it is a genetically hybrid variety, it is propagated by cuttings rather than seed. This results in clones with identical genetics that bloom at the same time, a characteristic of this variety. Generally, Somei-Yoshino cherry trees bloom in late March.

Nijo-jo Castle has a Somei-Yoshino cherry tree that serves as the sample tree for the start of the cherry blossom season in Kyoto. When this tree blooms, it is considered the official start of the cherry blossom season in the city.

Spring Festival

Koun-tei with Cherry Blossom in Nijojo Casthle
Koun-tei with Cherry Blossom in Nijojo Casthle

The Nijo Castle Cherry Blossom Festival is a magical event held annually from mid-March to mid-April, lasting approximately one month. While cherry blossoms usually grace us with their beauty for only two weeks, Nijo Castle boasts a diverse collection of cherry trees, from the earliest bloomers to the late bloomers, ensuring a continuous cherry blossom throughout the festival.


Stands at Nijojo Castle Spring Festival
Stands at Nijojo Castle Spring Festival

During the enchanting daytime hours, visitors can participate in a delightful stamp rally, enjoy culinary delights and local specialties at charming stalls, and immerse themselves in Japanese culture through various engaging experiences.

Map of Nijo-jo Castle’s cherry blossom trees

The cherry blossoms at Nijō Castle bloom from standard to late varieties and are scattered throughout the grounds; see the map to see where each variety is located.


Day time

Open Hours

Nijo-jo castle 8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.(the reception close at 4:00p.m.)
Nijo-jo Castle and Ninomaru-goten Palace8:45 a.m. – 4:10 p.m.

Regular holiday
・Nijo-jo castle 
December 29th to 31st

・Ninomaru-goten Palace
Every Tuesday in January, July, August, and December, January 1st to 3rd, and December 26th to 28th

※When any of the above-mentioned days fall on a public holiday, Ninomaru-goten Palace will be closed the next day instead.

Entrance fee

Nijo-jo castle Adult : 800yen
Junior high school : 400yen
Elementary school : 300yen 
Nijo-jo Castle and Ninomaru-goten PalaceAdult : 1300yen
Junior high school : 400yen
Elementary school : 300yen 

※Entrance fee is free for children younger than elementary school age.

Night illumination

Open hours

Nijo-jo castleMarch 14th – April 13th6:00pm – 10:00pm(Last Entry is at 9:00pm)

Entrance fee

Monday – ThursdayJunior high school student and above : 2,000 Yen
Junior school : 1,200 Yen
Friday – Sunday
and Holiday(March 20th)
Junior high school students and above : 2,400 Yen
Junior school : 1,600 Yen

I recommend to purchase tickets in advance to avoid crowded.

Ticket Booking SiteSakura Festival 2025 Ticket at Nijo-jo Castle


541 Nijojocho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8301


Official site
Nijo-jo Castle
